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LF: Re: UK sub-9kHz NoV update

To: <>
Subject: LF: Re: UK sub-9kHz NoV update
From: "mal hamilton" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 12:24:57 +0100
References: <>
That looks promising at last and agree 6- 9 Kcs would be more flexible than a single frequency.
anywhere between 0 - 10 Kcs
73 gl de mal/g3kev
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:26 AM
Subject: LF: UK sub-9kHz NoV update

From Rod Wilkinson at OFCOM today:



Hello, as promised I am updating you all as to the progress of your applications to obtain a Special Research Permit, Notice of Variation (SRP NoV) to your Amateur Radio (Full) licence. The purpose of which will be to allow experimental operation on a frequency between 8 and 10 kHz.


Firstly may we thank you and say that we appreciate your patience whilst Ofcom has been in continuing discussion with the Met Office concerning your interest in undertaking experimental operation. We are now in a position where we can proceed with the application process and have offered your applications, as per all SRP applications, to the RSGB for comment. We will then offer them to the Met Office, agreeing on a frequency etc and then all being acceptable and at last, issue the NoVs.


I hope this update is helpful but should you have any concerns please contact me.


73 to all


Rod (G3TXA)


Rod Wilkinson

OLC Senior Associate, Amateur Radio

020 7783 4488 (direct line)

So, it sounds like we may get some NoVs issued in the UK before too long now.  BTW, I have responded thanking Rod and suggesting that a band of frequencies would be preferable to a single spot allocation e.g. 6-9kHz.

Roger G3XBM
G3XBM   GQRP 1678    ISWL G11088
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