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RE: LF: 136.96kHz testing

To: <>
Subject: RE: LF: 136.96kHz testing
From: "James Cowburn" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 19:49:14 +0100
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Hi Roger


Well, with a 8m wire earthed at both ends as an earth electrode antenna I can get S5/6 sigs into G3XIZ who is 3km away, using his old CW TX with an output of around 60w.  No resonant coils, no HV issues.   OK so its not Dx but we manage 8wpm CW QSOs.  


You’ve shown what can be done with 500 and QRPp so lets see what can be done on 137.7


I will be QRSS10 on 137.7 later this evening, though if last night is anything to go by then all I’ll be doing is drowning in the static!





With best regards






Dr. James Cowburn G7NKS



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From: [] On Behalf Of Roger Lapthorn
Sent: 18 July 2010 19:09
Subject: Re: LF: 136.96kHz testing


Thank you Gary.

Yes, I hope to give 136kHz a good go considering my small garden and QRP leanings. Last autumn and winter I surprised myself (and others) by achieving credible results on 500kHz with an ultra-simple QRP station. It will be tougher on 136kHz certainly, but I start with low expectations that, with some perseverance, may be exceeded.

Next on the cards is the transverter design and build. There are plenty of good circuits to grab ideas from, plus I have some of my own. The efficient small antenna will be the really big challenge.

Roger G3XBM


On 18 July 2010 18:51, Gary - G4WGT <> wrote:



Congratulations for Txing a 136 kHz signal, however small, don't let anyone put you off (no names mentioned) we all have to start somewhere. My first 136 kHz Tx was 5 watts & an 80m inverted V antenna, I didn't have any QSO's with that but it was a start.


You will make progress & I will look forward to Rxing your signal in the near future & a possible QSO.




Gary - G4WGT.


On 18 July 2010 17:14, Roger Lapthorn <> wrote:

This is the very beginning of my journey onto 136kHz....

For anyone very very close to Burwell, Cambs, JO02DG, I'm putting a QRP 10wpm keyer-generated CW message (later to be changed to QRSS3) out on 136.96kHz CW into my earth electrode antenna. Power from the TX is about 500mW, so ERP is just a few microwatts at most. 

I'd appreciate reports, but be amazed to get any until I start to run some more power into a real antenna.

Roger G3XBM

G3XBM    GQRP 1678      ISWL G11088


G3XBM    GQRP 1678      ISWL G11088

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