don’t want to join in with any tit for tat stuff, please don’t lets
go there.
Mal has
very good antennas I am sure he can receive my 500kHz QRPp signal although he
has never admitted it.
Lee M0LMH,
the Bloodhound, certainly can at 194km 120miles under flat conditions; he can
also set up a Grabber and display my signal.
So lets
draw a circle 120miles radius from IO92ng. Any station within that circle
should be able to receive my signal too, given a not too fantastic set up, I
think Lee has described his set up in that way. If they can’t, then their
Receiver or Antenna could be improved and also enable them to receive signals from,
say the Czech Republic.
Would me
increasing my power until I can be seen on the Broad Band Grabbers improve the performance
of their set up, because now they would most likely receive me. Or does QRO
cover for mediocre RX and Antennas.
A stupid
question but no worse than some of the prior ‘Stupid Criminals’
Eddie G3ZJO