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Re: LF: Re: Re: E-Field Probe calibration question

Subject: Re: LF: Re: Re: E-Field Probe calibration question
From: Andy Talbot <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 20:58:25 +0100
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In-reply-to: <841031C22EC944FEB2BB3E1DC237717E@acer3f31164f8b>
References: <> <001d01cad190$aa92e590$0901a8c0@lark> <841031C22EC944FEB2BB3E1DC237717E@acer3f31164f8b>
On the basis of two measurements out in the field - the results suggests the voltage being picked up is slightly more than the effective length as stated, but resukts for such a quick first approxiomation are in teh right region:
At two /P monitoring sites at distances of 3.5 and 14km, the measured power was calculated back to a field strength using the quoted antenna factor, then this E field was related to ERP using the standard equation.
At 3.5km the ERP worked out at around 200mW which isn't too far from what I thought it was from Rloss / Rrad calculations.   BUT, the Rx was surrounded by trees and a power cable close by, so could reasonably be expected to be lower than it should be.
The second site was in the middle of flat land, at the top of a Hill   (Lane End Down for those microwavers on this reflector), where there were virtually no local screening.    ERP calculated back to 900mW.  This result is too high, suggesting the E-Field probe antenna is picking up more signal than it ought to.    I need to make some more measurements further afield, and to compare with a loop before coming to any conclusion - but an afternoon pleasently spent getting a measurement in the right region at least.
On 1 April 2010 13:05, Mike McAlevey <> wrote:
Hi Andy.
I would go along with Alan's thinking. It's about the probe to reference voltage. I am not a scientist or "enjuneir" either but with a one square metre untuned loop you can't go far wrong.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Melia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 12:44 AM
Subject: LF: Re: E-Field Probe calibration question

Hi Andy maybe I dont read it right, but if that is an E-field probe it is
not a "dipole" The input capacitance senses the voltage at two points on the
wavefront. The ground plane is, I believe, irrelevant. You just need another
capacitance separated from the "probe" to reference to voltage to. See
Renato's balanced probe (  In your case this is the car.....but
it could be the size of a dinky toy.The area of the wavefront intercepted by
the probe or the ground reference does not affect the terminal I see it.................of course I might just be wrong cos
i am really a scientist not an enjuneir!!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Talbot" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 12:02 PM
Subject: LF: E-Field Probe calibration question

I have a calibrated E Field antenna (Procomm AAC-1) with a quoted
antenna-factor of 0.15V into 50 ohms when placed in a field of 1V/m,

This is mounted in the centre of a car roof and fed via a bulkhead
to a calibrated measuring receiver inside the vehicle, which we can assume
is a Faraday cage at LF,  S0 my question is :    How is the effective
of the antenna changed?    It was 0.15m - the specification said so - but
this would have been over an infinite groundplane.  Do I regard the body
the car as being the other half of a dipole?  In which case, at 1.5m it
20dB to the received signal and makes a mockery of calibrated measurement
the E-Field value..

Is it worth persuing this route, or better to stick to untuned loops for
calibrated E-Field measurements at LF/MF?


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