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Re: LF: 500kHz VX9MRC & WE2XGR/6

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: 500kHz VX9MRC & WE2XGR/6
From: Rik Strobbe <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:01:01 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected] m>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]

Condx were very poor during our QSO.
If propagation is good (as it was from 20-22UTC) far less than 1 Watt ERP might do the job.
In addition you are most likely at a better location for VO in the north of England.
Few days ago Finbar worked Joe in CW with 559-579 reports while i could barely hear Joe.

73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T

At 10:46 17/11/2009, you wrote:

Well done.

I should be in a position to attempt the same as I saw solid QRS signals from Joe.

Gary - G4WGT.

2009/11/17 Rik Strobbe < [email protected]>
Gary, All,

yesterday I could copy VX9MRC in QRSS3 with a surprising strong signal as early as 18 UTC, when I launched Argo.
Throughout the evening the signal was strong and with little QSB from 19-22UTC, after that the signal became weaker with much more QSB.
Probably because I had a sked with Joe at 22:40 UTC ;-) .
But despite all we managed to complete the QSO with both way M report (would have been a solid O earlier the evening).
A first ON-VE QSO on 500kHz and with +/- 4075km a new DX record for me
Joe transmitted on 507.770 and I on 501.190.
Between 19 and 22 UTC the signal was audible most of the time and would have been CW copy if it were not squeezed between the NDB "Z" carrier at 507.980 (S9+ here) the SM6BHZ CW/SSB test transmissions (up to S9) and a local birdie on 507.600.

For the QSO I was running 300W into my 11m high / 25m long lazy-L antenna, estimated ERP about 1.5 Watt (at best, if the greenery does not absorb too much)

The night from Sunday - Monday I left Argo running,  VX9MRC produced a good signal all through the night and faded out at 07UTC. This would mean that there is a potential transatlantic path on 500kHz for 13h a day !!!

73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T

At 17:05 16/11/2009, you wrote:
Hi All,

Good signals from both stations last night.

Gary - G4WGT - IO83qo.

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