Dear all,
G3LDO could be heard again 559 in QRSS on 501,1 kHz around 21.15 UTC,
October 9th, in
eastern Bavaria, JN68GN.
Even more interesting was the CW signal of EI0CF, RST 579, from 21.17
until 21.50
UTC. At first he was in QSO on 501,9 kHz (obviously with Louis,
PA0LCE?). Then he heard G3XIZ and they moved to 503 kHz. G3XIZ could be
"estimated" too for a while, but readibility remainded very poor.
PA0LCE could not be heard. OH1LSQ (?) was also mentioned in this CW
traffic. Sometimes reading of the CW signals was rather difficult due to
very short qsb, swallowing several letters of a word, even within the
usually rather strong transmission of EI0CF. But in general it was very
interesting to listen.
Hope condx down to Bavaria improve during the winter months.
73 Ha-Jo, DJ1ZB