Hello Ha-Jo, LF
Finbar and me had a "X-band" QSO, EI->OH on 501.9kHz while OH->EI was bridged
with the aid of SMS-messages :) . I had no TX capability on 80m last night as
my inverted-L antenna was set up for wideband RX. I also had Finbar QSP my
"live" SMS-reports to other stations he worked 500/500. This is the reason my
call was mentioned quite a few times on 501.9 last night.
Have to keep the spirit alive on this band somehow while the authorities here
keep on refusing amateur / experimantal access for unmentionable reasons that
are hard to accept.
Paul-Henrik / OH1LSQ
Vaasa / KP03SD
Quoting [email protected]:
> Dear all,
> G3LDO could be heard again 559 in QRSS on 501,1 kHz around 21.15 UTC,
> October 9th, in
> eastern Bavaria, JN68GN.
> Even more interesting was the CW signal of EI0CF, RST 579, from 21.17
> until 21.50
> UTC. At first he was in QSO on 501,9 kHz (obviously with Louis,
> PA0LCE?). Then he heard G3XIZ and they moved to 503 kHz. G3XIZ could be
> "estimated" too for a while, but readibility remainded very poor.
> PA0LCE could not be heard. OH1LSQ (?) was also mentioned in this CW
> traffic. Sometimes reading of the CW signals was rather difficult due to
> very short qsb, swallowing several letters of a word, even within the
> usually rather strong transmission of EI0CF. But in general it was very
> interesting to listen.
> Hope condx down to Bavaria improve during the winter months.
> 73 Ha-Jo, DJ1ZB