Tuesday night, a horrible noise, constantly present for some months now,
suddenly disappeared after thunderstorms and strong rain (Maybe there is a
correlation beetween?). The broadband noise was badly interfering even to
strong LF broadcast stations, it made any reception of 600m, 160m, 80m, etc
completely impossible. On 20m only the stongest stations could penetrate the
noise, but no fun to listen to them... The good news seem to be: There is
obviousely one single source of this noise, so may be I could track this source
and take measures in the future :)
Of course I was curious, if there were signals on 600m, and tried to receive
some beacons:
RX homemade,
bandwidth abt. 110Hz,
wireloop abt.15sqm, 10m asl.
in a linden tree ;)
qth Berlin city, JO62RM
date 27.V.2009
01:40-01:44Z / DI2AM peaking 439 qsb qrn / OK0EMW nil hrd
01:44-01:49Z / SK6RUD nil hrd
10:08-10:17Z / DI2AM + OK0EMW nil hrd
12:55-13:01Z / DI2AM nil hrd
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