Hi Dave,
Except from trying WSPR (the standalone GUI version) a few times on
shortwave and LF, I can only tell you that..
- it's very important to sync the local PC time accurately - but sure
that's not the problem here
- the soundcard's sampling rate may be a problem: The WSPR GUI uses
12000 samples/second, which is a bit exotic,
and some soundcards/drivers have a problem with this (and deliver a
inaccurate sampling rate which causes problems in WSPR)
- the receiver's frequency drift must be low enough (a Hz per 2-minute
interval already degrades decoding).
Not a real problem unless your receiver is a converter, moving the LF
signal to a higher shortwave frequency
(I've seen a signal on 30 or 40 meter from italy, which was very
strong, but almost unreadable due to the drift)
Does Jim's signal draw a "red" stripe on the WSPR spectrogram (I think
it should) ? If not, the audio level may be too low.
HTH, cheers,
Wolf .
Dave G3WCB schrieb:
Hi Jim, LF.
Sadly no decodes from M0BMU or DF6NM on 136 last night.
M0BMU was clearly audible and was showing on the waterfall display.
I'm using WSPR 1.01_r1023, and it worked fine on 500kHz the other day.
Am I doing something wrong? (well, yes, obviously, but what!)
73, Dave G3WCB IO91RM