Hello Andy
Your info below is generally correct for EU stns outside the UK.
UK stns operate 501 - 504 khz and I have a xtal ctl freq 502.6 khz and am
active frequently. I use CW and for dx purposes when necessary QRS 3.
I have now had 2 qso's with Moscow/RW3ADB he operates xband 7033 khz, to the
West my only qso so far has been with VE1ZZ on CW his xband freq is 3533
At your distance it might be a struggle to have a qso but if you are
interested let me know. I can hear some W acty at times on 500 khz, but do
not listen too frequently.
I only operate QSO mode, no beacon.
73 de Mal/G3KEV/IO94SH
----- Original Message -----
From: "KU4XR" <ku4xr@yahoo.com>
To: <rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 1:39 AM
Subject: LF: What is the European 600 meter Watering Hole ??
> Hello all on LF: Is there a 600 meter watering hole for European stations
> From online grabbers it seems that the most stations are hovering in the
> 505 to 505.200 KHz range. The next few days are forecast to be optimal for
> TA propagation from Mid Northern Hemisphere. I want to monitor where I
> have the best chance of snagging an Eu signal. Thanks for any response.
> 73, Andy - KU4XR - EM75xr
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