Hello Everyone.
My name is Ken Wright, M0KHW, locator IO91TV. I have just
joined the LF Reflector, and hope to be active on 500kHz shortly after my NoV
is approved by Ofcom. Being new I have a lot of catching up to do regarding
500kHz activity, and who is doing what. I was listening on 500kHz last night
(06/07/2007), 21:10 – 21:45 UTC, heard two carriers, at 500.61and 504.74,
are these stations on 600m or are they 2nd harmonics of Long Wave BC
stations? The one on 504 .74 was about S7, with 6dB gain on my RX input
pre-amp. I am using my Kenwood TS140, as RX with a 7kHz bandwidth pre-amp (gain
6 – 10dB) and a 102ft doublet connected as a ‘T’. In
the process of fitting another filter in front end of the pre-amp to keep out
the BC stations. Does anyone know of a commercial SWR meter that is ok for 500
kHz? my main station one is only spec’d down to 3.5 MHz, if there is one
it will save time by not having to build one, and speed up ATU construction.