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Re: LF: Spectrum Lab

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Spectrum Lab
From: Wolf DL4YHF <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 22:41:48 +0100
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Hi J & group,

I have prepared two configurations for you, and a step-by-step procedure to "install" them:

To configure SpecLab for QRSS60 / DFCW60 :

- install the latest version from ,
or try this direct link to the file:

For "normal" DFCW/QRSS (the simple ones without J's divide-by-200 ):

- start SpecLab

- Configure your RX/TX switching hardware:
  "Options".."System Settings".."RX/TX Interface" .
 For example, select "COM2" and "PTT Control:RTS"

- In the main menu, select
     "Quick Settings" ..
    .. "Slow Morse RECEPTION"
      .. "Slow CW, 30 sec/dot" (etc)

- The program now asks for the AUDIO center frequency,
 enter something like 1000 Hz (depending on your RX).

- Click "Yes" when the program asks
  "Also configure the digimode terminal to TRANSMIT
   QRSS / DFCW ?"

- On the next screen, check "DCFW" (or uncheck for QRSS),
 set "soft amplitude transitions" if you have a "linear" TX,
 and set "beacon mode" if you want an endless transmission,

- Now the digimode terminal opens up; enter the text to send
 in the "Transmit" window, add at least one space at the end
 for beacon mode (to have a gap there) .

- Press F10 to start transmission
  (or click RX/TX switch until the LED turns red)
 (Note: it may take one symbol time until the transmission
  actually starts, so be patient with QRSS/DFCW60 ! )

That's all for the basic settings !

  -...-    -...-

These "special" settings for VY1JA are not contained in the SpecLab archive,
you can download them separately from here:

How to "install" these settings:
After downloading, unzip the *.USR files into the
'configurations' subdirectory. If you installed SL
into the default directory, that would be:
and c:\Spectrum\configurations\VY1JA_QRSS60.USR .

Then start SL again. In the main menu, select
 "Quick Settings"..
 .."Load and Create user defined settings"
and select VY1JA_QRSS30.USR (which in fact is DFCW 30sec/dot)
       or  VY1JA_QRSS60.USR (which in fact is DFCW 60sec/dot) .
These settings have an audio center frequency of 1000 Hz
 and a DWCF shift 200-times larger than "normal", to be used
 in J's frequency-dividing exciter.
The frequency shift can be modifed anytime as follows:
 - In the terminal window(!), select
   "Settings".."Digimode Configuration". The amount of shift
   between DFCW-"dots" (=lower frequency) and "dashes"(higher freq)
   can be entered in the field labelled "Frequency shift or span".
Furthermore, these special settings use the internal VOX to key the transmitter (kind of full-BK mode), so the TRX will switch back from TX to RX while there is no audio sent to the soundcard. If the switching relays make too much noise, disable the VOX-circuit in SL's circuit window: - From the main window(!), select "View/Windows" / "Spectrum Lab Components" .
  The VOX is the small box near the "PTT" block.
  To turn the VOX of, click into the source connector,
  and set the source signal to "none". The PTT will then
  be controlled entirely by the terminal, which keeps the PTT
  output "on" as long as the terminal wants to send data.

If you don't get this to work properly, and/or Rick's easier-to-use QRSS doesn't work for your special application, please let me know. As mentioned earlier, I have never tried QRSS60 / DFCW60 myself (with any program) ... ;-)

Best regards,
 Wolf DL4YHF .


J. Allen schrieb:
Hello again, All,

Spectrum Lab apparently will have a very large learning curve toward success for me. Success means to use the software to key the PTT on the RTS line for DFCW transmissions, and to shift the AF by 40 Hz. up for dah and back down for dit. The 40 Hz. shift is necessary because a divide by 200 is used between the TS450 transceiver which acts as the VFO and the 137 kHz. output which drives the amp.

Is there s quick primer on someone's site which shows how to set up DFCW only?



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