You will need 9 volts. It covers DC to 500kHz with an IF of 28 -
28.5MHz. It is very sensitive and likely to overload, but a simple
resistive attenuator (100 ohm potentiometer across the antenna
socket!) will fix this with a big antenna. Frequency stability is OK
for CW and may be OK for QRSS3, but not is certainly not good enough
for slower modes. On mine, I cannot get the crystal to tune to
exactly 28MHz and have to offset the receiver by about 1kHz.
This is a very useful piece of equipment to get anyone with an HF
receiver on the air on 136kHz. BEWARE - when using a transceiver as
an IF, make sure the Tx cannot be switched on!!
Mike, G3XDV
> I've found an old DATONG VLF converter without manual. Does somebody
> know the supply voltage and frequency range?
> 73 Jo, DK2PH