The test ended shortly after 0200UTC due to
concerns of coronal discharge and antenna match xfmr saturation.
I did some work on the antenna in the dark and
elminated on source of discharge however found another at the other end that
needs daylight to affect repairs.
Another problem is I caused alot of QRM for Steve,
VE7SL who was trying to listen in the waterhole so I decided to
I did spark up (pune intended) later for a couple
of hours (~0800-1030UTC) in DFCW long after your sunrise to test some of my
repairs and sweep the antenna for discharge points.
I'm headed out to repair the last remaining
discharge point and will advise if I'll be running tonight. I could run in the
wateringhole on 137778 as Steve is away from his station tonight.
73 Scott
73 Scott
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:53
Subject: Re: LF: Slow BPSK Test
Hi John, Scott and LF Group,
the gear is
set up for receiving 137577.3 +-0.5 Hz tonight, recording 11025/10368
IQ-samples per second. I have connected a "proper" OCXO so stability should be
better than last time, but still not GPS-locked. Surely I'd be pleased to find
more than one signal - at 1.1 mHz per channel, there's plenty of space in a
Hertz for anyone who wants to join in ;-)
Re Argo speed - I viewed XES
on Friday morning using Argo 120 slow, which produced a couple of blips around
4 am.
I looked through the data from Scott's channel 137778 but nothing
found - how long did VE7TIL stay on last night?
73, and best of
luck Markus
In einer eMail vom 19.02.2006 20:28:35
Westeuropäische Normalzeit schreibt [email protected]:
WD2XES will try a run of slow BPSK on the following very odd
frequency tonight:
137,577.309506014 Hz.
This frequency
appears to be clear of Loran lines for 1 Hz either side over a fairly
large area, and is actually one of the rounder frequencies available
from a 32 bit DDS clocked at 5 MHz. I will again use the 15 minute 0/180
degree keying, which would produce sidebands 0.55 mHz either side of the
above frequency. There will be a CW ID at each 15 minute
Start time will be 2230 UTC. Reports are