Dave, LF
I'm not sure if your grabber is on the loop antenna currently, but your
antenna seems to be quite favourable in my direction. I was able to paint a
respectable DFCW5 signal on your grabber while running only 1 watt RF into
my antenna (160mA antenna current)
I don't think I can reach your QTH on 1 watt out on any other band!
73, Dave G3WCB IO91RM
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Dave Pick
Sent: 18 January 2006 20:41
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: LF: TA 17 JAN 06
I've recently been using a tuned rotatable loop antenna to receive DX and
null out Rugby Loran and frankly it's poor, it picks up all the local noise
going, the main antenna is much less noisy despite the Loran.
Even so I've been regularly seeing "NA" and this morning the last good copy
was at about 0840, well into daylight. I'll go back to the long-wire for the
grabber tonight.
Dave G3YXM.
