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LF: Re: RE: Re: TA APR 28/29

Subject: LF: Re: RE: Re: TA APR 28/29
From: "hamilton mal" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:51:42 +0100
Delivery-date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 12:34:37 +0100
References: <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Pick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: LF: RE: Re: TA APR 28/29

Thanks John.

I've received you and you've received me.. We can claim a QSO! ;-) (sorry
The only authenctic QSO's on LF are those conducted in real time CW and
possibly some at QRS2 or 3.
The majority of other claimed successes are GUESSWORK or IMAGINATION.
Last year during the ZL tx tests I saw some bright traces on the designated
frequency at the time of transmission but I would not claim a hit because
there was no proof of part callsign but I gather recently someone in ZL is
claiming a success under the same circumstances. ie saw a brightup on the
freq used by a G3 stn.
Sometimes there appears to be coherent bits of signal observed while
monitoring LF but it is just a burst of a particular type of noise.
My story to the world is treat with suspicion what anyone tells your about
their achievements on LF.
The trouble is some people would believe anything !!

The transmit Wolf comes from a different PC and I set that up by
1000Hz tone which I measured accurately, first with a frequency meter and
then by listening to the 50th harmonic! (Diode across the audio)
This one needed less correction, 8004 I think..
I then calibrated the receive PC by feeding the 1kHz straight in.

Thanks also to Marcus for explaining the numbers a bit more. I guess the
f:0.020 means my TX calibration agrees with John's receiver pretty well?
The TX exciter is a Racal MA1723 with an ovened oscillator so it should be
pretty good.

One thing I find a bit awkward about Wolf on an overnight run is finding
when the periods of good reception were. I suppose you can count up lines
from when you started but is there another way?

Dave G3YXM.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Andrews
Sent: 29 April 2005 11:03
Subject: LF: Re: TA APR 28/29


I did a little better, and congratulations! Copy is shown below. There
a number of instances of  the "0.020" frequency offset during the night,
some in long strings, but this was the only instance of correct decoding.

Question: Have you set the sampling rate for transmitting? I see that you
were using 8020 Hz on the receive copy you sent me the other day.

John Andrews, W1TAG/WD2XES
2005-03-29 01:52:03 >WOLF  -r 8001.7083 -f 800.09 -t 0.1 -w 0.0000
t:  24 f:-0.009 a:-0.7 dp: 98.3 ci: 6 cj:168 JQF2ZJFV*J*5YGV ?
t:  48 f:-0.101 a:-0.3 dp: 95.8 ci:11 cj:467 O2M3Q5/8/WGMBDJ ?
t:  96 f:-0.074 a:-1.3 dp: 93.9 ci: 9 cj:100 AB756APG02HRHGO ?
t: 192 f:-0.098 pm:178.2 jm:743 q:-14.8 -8.3 RB/224 3JEHT85Q ?
t: 288 f: 0.078 pm:181.0 jm:818 q:-11.7 -8.2 *CQ91NQSC755GWJ ?
t: 384 f:-0.098 pm:192.1 jm:743 q:-11.4 -7.8 PQWENXDX*LAPIIG ?
t: 480 f:-0.098 pm:216.5 jm:743 q:-10.8 -7.9  YMIL44 KV X6JS ?
t: 576 f:-0.098 pm:241.7 jm:743 q: -9.9 -7.9  X*DZFAK87YZFWA ?
t: 672 f:-0.098 pm:248.2 jm:743 q: -9.2 -7.8 2FKTUTTYJ3J2Q.M ?
t: 768 f:-0.098 pm:285.7 jm:743 q: -8.9 -8.2 70P56CZVRCLUUHK ?
t: 864 f:-0.098 pm:295.6 jm:743 q: -8.0 -8.3 18HGZ5HXBL0WIXV ?
t: 960 f:-0.098 pm:317.0 jm:743 q: -7.1 -7.4 /J*OQYU7T853MKL ?
t:1056 f:-0.098 pm:320.5 jm:743 q: -6.9 -5.7 .75I3J3ET853MKL -
t:1152 f:-0.098 pm:321.7 jm:743 q: -6.2 -5.8 EL4KELWR2E23HR4 -
t:1248 f:-0.098 pm:352.3 jm:743 q: -6.1 -5.3 EL4KELWR2E23HR4 -
t:1344 f:-0.098 pm:354.5 jm:743 q: -5.7 -5.7 EL4KELWR2E23HR4 - t:1440
f:-0.098 pm:358.2 jm:743 q: -5.3 -5.9 EL4KELWR2E23HR4 -
t:1536 f:-0.098 pm:362.9 jm:743 q: -4.9 -8.3 EL4KEJEUG*S2F3Y ?
t:1632 f: 0.020 pm:478.0 jm:139 q: -1.9 -7.6 EA6I ZVPFKILJH2 ?
t:1728 f: 0.020 pm:501.7 jm:139 q: -1.6 -8.5 C3G???R9PA.J4W1 ?
t:1824 f: 0.020 pm:515.3 jm:139 q: -1.3 -8.0 DUJ/VWQ758T9K63 ?
t:1920 f: 0.020 pm:534.3 jm:139 q: -1.0 -7.1 EA6I ZVPFKJOXG5 ?
t:2016 f: 0.020 pm:541.8 jm:139 q: -0.7-10.2 G2BZXFO2AX3D.SI ?
t:2112 f: 0.020 pm:556.3 jm:139 q: -0.3-10.5 G2BZXFO2AX3D.SI ?
t:2208 f: 0.020 pm:573.4 jm:139 q: -0.3-10.0 G2BZXFO2AX3D.SI ?
t:2304 f: 0.020 pm:600.2 jm:139 q: -0.1 -6.0 J0*8B O2AX3D.SI - t:2400 f:
0.020 pm:610.1 jm:139 q: -0.0 -8.0 J0*8DTV/BS8A0 C ?
t:2496 f: 0.020 pm:618.3 jm:139 q:  0.1 -8.7 K3YI ZVPFJ/9Y.X ?
t:2592 f: 0.020 pm:655.5 jm:140 q: -0.0 -5.6 G3YXM 300W WOLF -
t:2688 f: 0.020 pm:671.8 jm:140 q:  0.1 -5.7 G3YXM 300W WOLF -
t:2784 f: 0.020 pm:708.6 jm:140 q:  0.3 -5.5 G3YXM 300W WOLF - t:2880 f:
0.020 pm:729.5 jm:140 q:  0.3 -5.1 G3YXM 300W WOLF -
t:2976 f: 0.020 pm:753.6 jm:140 q:  0.2 -5.4 G3YXM 300W WOLF -
t:3072 f: 0.020 pm:766.3 jm:140 q:  0.3 -5.1 G3YXM 300W WOLF -
t:3168 f: 0.020 pm:768.9 jm:140 q:  0.3 -5.3 G3YXM 300W WOLF -

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