Hi Scott,
Thanks for the prod! Yes, on checking the captures there are smudges and
some good whacks right on frequency; quickie snapshot below, time frame of
which is 1130z to 1136z. I'd be delighted if you could correlate this against what
you saw. If you want I can e-mail you the best piccie.
Will be running 'Grab II' again tonight, too. Seems much quieter, and DCF-39
looks just as loud.
Good luck!
03/04/05 21:37:36, "Scott Tilley, VE7TIL" <[email protected]> wrote:
We noted that the grabulator II may have seen a partial call from ZM2E this
morning. Have a look at the grabs from it around 1100-1200UTC. You will
two bright hi/low sequences on frequency which correspond to our capture of
the '2' in their call very good levels. There appeared to be scraps of the
other part of the signal in there as well.
73 VA7LF

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