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LF: Activity Sat 22 Jan

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Activity Sat 22 Jan
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:18:35 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Another 7MHz-style log, thanks to the HF75PZK expedition which is still operating today (Sunday).

On Saturday, I had my first CW contact with DL2HRE who I had worked several times on QRSS. Looked like intra-EU conditions were good. This was confirmed by 559 CW from SM6BHZ, though he did not reply to my calls. CW also heard from F6BWO and DL3FDO.

QRSS or DFCW seen from: OK2BVG, DF0WD (also Hell signals), OH5UFO, IK5ZPV, S57A, F6BWO, and HA6PC who did not reply to my many calls.

HF75PZK was sometimes readable on QRSS3, but was fading and some of the time was not readable. He listened for my QRSS10 transmission and we straight away exchanged 'O' reports - country number 23 for me.

I logged 10 countries active on Saturday..

As usual, pictures are on my web site:
together with new pictures of QRSS from Z38AV and RU6LA seen last weekend.

Lots of DX today (Sunday) on CW and QRSS - get active!

Mike, G3XDV

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