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Re: LF: Simple image-cancelling exciter for digimodes

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Simple image-cancelling exciter for digimodes
From: Alberto di Bene <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:22:10 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Z-usanet-msgid: XID545JaLwwQ0460X30
Hello Wolf,

  congratulations for this project, I am sure it can open new possibilities to would-be experimenters in LF.
As you mentioned, Jason V0.99 (to be released soon on the Web site) has I/Q outputs, as does your
Spectrum Lab, so a couple of software tools are just waiting for some soldering irons to be swiitched on,
and handled by the correct end...

I am wondering if a reverse form of the (in)famous Tayloe sampling detector could be used here.
What I mean is to take your four I+, I-, Q+, Q- signals and to multiplex them into a single output,
using an analog multiplexer, single pole, quadruple throw, like the FST3253 or the ADG704, driven by
a clock 4x the wanted output frequency. This would simplify considerably the hardware, should it work.

My soldering iron is on a temporary vacation, so I am relying on someone else to volunteer for that...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

Wolf DL4YHF wrote:
Hello Alberto, Eberhard, John, and all,

I made some tests with an image-cancelling mixer for the 136 kHz lately, using the "SSB phasing method" as described in the ARRL handbook. The only tricky part, the 90° audio phase shifter,  is realized via software.

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