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RE: LF: Timing GPS

To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: LF: Timing GPS
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 13:06:10 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Neither do I, Alan ...
Up to now, the only way I found to synchronise the software and the hardware
clocks is to switch the computer off and on again.
Any Windows guru on this mailing list ?


Jean-Louis F6AGR

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alan Melia [mailto:[email protected]]
Envoyé : vendredi 13 février 2004 12:25
À : [email protected]
Objet : Re: LF: Timing GPS

Hello again Jean-Louis. I had thought about that ( software clock drift dependent on cpu usage) and wondered whether it would be possible to force the software clock to sync with the hardware clock at regular intervals (say 30 mins) using the scheduler. This could possibly be run behind the
capture program if not incorporated into it ??  I am not sufficiently
knowledgable about windows to now how to do it.

Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]

----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 13 February 2004 08:59
Subject: RE: LF: Timing GPS

Hi all

Please keep in mind that Windows operating systems are very poor "time
They drift very quickly, depending on the programs you are running.
A drift of one second up to one minute per day is not uncommon (specially
with "data crunchers" softwares like real time FFT computing)!
I'm not talking about the drift of the PC hardware clock itself which is quite good (the time base xtal oscillator drifts around 2 s per month on my
own computer), but from the Windows time management.
It seems that the time management on the Windows multitask OS has a very low
priority ...
I verified this on Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Me.
Any other experience with other operating systems ?

73 de Jean-Louis F6AGR

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