I am getting some mysterious QRM. It does not seem to affect the LF band and
the only reason for raising the subject on this reflector is that there
seems to be a good level of technical expertise here and that someone may be
able to help.
The QRM seems to be centred around 12 -14MHz and consists of bursts of a
very spiky noise as shown in the attached ARGO shot. The QRM is on all the
time although sometimes it is worse than at other times. The image shows the
whole of the USB spectrum of 2.7kHz with ARGO set to CW mode (no other
signals present. S meter peaks at about S7.
The noise seems to be coming from distribution telephone poles. I have used
my bike mobile to check all telephone distribution poles in the local area;
some of them do not radiate at all and a few are very bad. Where there are
no telephone poles the noise does not exist.
Anyone know what it is?
Peter, G3LDO
e-mail <[email protected]>
Web <http://web.ukonline.co.uk/g3ldo>
