Hi Laurence,
Typically wells make for less impressive grounds than one might initially think. Firstly, the
metal casing doesn't go all the way down, usually only as far as it takes to hit reasonably
solid rock that will hold a bore; even then perhaps only the top length (20 feet) will be
metal, the rest plastic. The metal is usually untreated steel, which protects itself with a
layer of rust; makes for a lousy electrical dirt/pipe interface.
Of course at LF the rules are different, but at topband and up the feeling is that deep
doesn't win one much, as the RF doesn't penetrate too far.
All that said, a connection to the well case will be better than nothing, but not anything
over which to rearrange your universe.
Speaking as someone with a surfeit of wells, and rescued by a dowser. (It's a two-pint
6/2/2003 1:45:12 AM, "flo flo" <[email protected]> wrote:
Ive measured my water well at some 199 metres in depth using a dropped
object/versus time to plop calculation.
The well bore casing is some 6 inches in diameter of 5mm thickness steel. Im
taking it that the well bore casing is electically contigious.
Im considering moving my 32 metres vertical section to rise vertically above
the well casing and keep the array as it was except that that the aerial
will start to look more like an offset T than an L. (tthis helps to keep
the vertical section far away from the Rhon tower
At present - The well casing is connected back to the main eath radial
system and tower some 27 metres distant using multiples of 8 gauge copper. I
can extend the old radial system to "radiate" from this new spot.
Question - Will the low R vertical casing into the alluvial deposits make an
efficient LF radio earth - and what if any are the likely radiation
characteristics of doing so? (Im taking it that for the given diameter/area
that the well casing is making reasonable good connection into the strata).
The bottom of the well is in clean ground water.
Any body any records of using a well do reduce Earth resistance losses?, or
as Im going down vertically will it have little affect. I know it may have
little effect against the Cap top...
Will the antennae start to look like an offset lossy vertical lop sided
Am I wasting my time? Im thinking of adding this one to the Radio Amateurs'
Exam Question pool.
Laurence KL1X
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