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Re: LF: Antenna tests

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Antenna tests
From: "Dick Rollema" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:08:16 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
To All from PA0SE

Markus wrote:

Though I normaly really dislike the cold weather (as does my 17-year-old Golf Diesel which is supposed to take me to work), the one good thing about frost is the improving LF-antenna performance. Series loss resistance goes down by 1 to 2dB, and surprisingly, in addition to that I seem to get another 1dB from increased effective antenna height, as measured by comparing received voltage against a non-resonant loop. There are a few high fir trees in the vicinity of the aerial, and I assume that under heavy frost, the shunt conductance of the trunks falls below the capacity of the tree crowns, so that electrostatic shielding is significantly reduced.
I measured the earth resistance at my station several times this year:

On the dry day of 6 April it was 21 ohm

On rainy day 5 May I measured 36 ohm

After a period of prolonged rain I found on 16 November 66 ohm

After several days of frost I found today 12 December 28 ohm.

There are no trees around.

The water table here is at about - 0.8m.

73, Dick, PA0SE
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