....Please separate System R and actual Earth R ...
It would certainly make life easier. Please tell us how this separation is
to be accomplished...
I think Mal's point is that we have to be very cautious about reporting
effects such as this without fully evaluating the total system. Another easy
mistake (and this hits close to home due to the saturated 'tree density' on
my property) is to report ground loss without taking tree losses into
account. They both effect the total system resistance and are hard to
I was just about to post an interesting story about the extremes of loop
current I have witnessed over the last week. The soil changed from a nearly
saturated moisture condition, to a frozen condition, to a rain/snow soaked
condition, and to a frozen condition. Easy to assume it's the ground that's
causing the loop current to change 30%, right? Just before I hit the SEND
button I recalled that my 26ft diam .8" Cu test loop indicated almost no
change from the .07 ohms Rac during this time - so how could the above
variance be totally caused by the soil moisture?
Bill A
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