Dear Lowfers,
thank You all who have benn active over the past weekend and cohld work our
LF-stn DK 0 UH.
It was a new challenge for our club chapter and most interesting for
cw-only-operators as well as for phone-only operators. CW-opüs learned t listn
on week signals and to to key slowly, and to get accustomed to my vibroplex keyer.
SWLs an visitors from other club chapters looked with big eyes at the loading coil
and the 250 m wire aireal.
As average age in P41 is about 49 years, many OMs have done many IARU-Fielddays
and UHF-Contests. This weekend was something new for all of us and showed our
team and me what is possible with our club. So I hope this will give some ideas
to Your club section.
Our rig:
TX: 70 W out/60 Ohm (DK 8 ND)
RX: EKD315 Funkwerk Köpenik, DDR (DK 8 ND)
Ant: 250 m Wire, suported by three masts 9m, 20 m, 10 m
Loading coil build by DK 7 SU with variometer.
As I go this week for holliday to California, more about in End of October.
Remark for DK 0 WD: I just got started, when I heard Your call and I have been
exited as with my first shortwave or longwave qso. Thanks.
55, Hans-Albrecht DK 8 ND schrieb am 20.09.02 19:17:51: schrieb am 10.09.02 22:37:19:
> Dear Lowfers,
> over the weekend 21./ 22. September 2002 our club chapter "Hohenstaufen" DOK P41 will have an activity Day, from our district Wuerttremberg, on 136 kHz +/- qrm.
> Mode A1A, aural cw. We will use our club-call DK 0 UH and Operators calls.
> Locator JN48TM (Westerheim, South Germany, nr. Sturrgart).
> All LOWFER-Operators are kindly asked to be active on this weekend between Saturday afternoon and and Sunday afternoon.
> Frequency: 136.5 kHz
> confirmaton traffic: 7.022 MHz, A1A, QSU
> Requests please under E-Mail: or
> 73 de
> DK 8 ND
> Hans-Albrecht Haffa
> Chairman OV P41
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