Dear LF Group,
Thanks to all for the reports on the Jason test signals. Conditions
certainly seem to be very noisy at the moment. I will give the test
transmissions a break for a few days, and try to make some measurements of
the noise level for comparison. If anyone would like to try any particular
experiments, please let me know. The Jason signal is certainly useful for
measuring field strength, since it is more or less a continuous carrier, so
very easy to measure.
I was very pleased to work EA1PX cross-band 137kHz QRSS3 <-> 14MHz CW
between 0800 and 0900 utc this morning. Jose was 599 on 20m, and gave me an
"O" report. I look forwards to seeing some LF signals from EA - The noise
level was still rather high this morning, so perhaps normal CW contacts
will be possible during the winter months. 14030kHz might not be the best
choice for cross-band QSOs - during my second over, an OH0 station started
calling, and there was a sudden frenzy of activity on the frequency -
fortunately, by the time the QRSS was finished, the 20m activity had
finished as well, and I had perfect copy of Jose again!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU