Dear Mal, LF Group,
At 18:58 09/06/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Has any Decca Jeep owner considered using ferrite cores for PA coils
instead of altering the existing poor quality paxolin air wound devices.
The originals in spite of being wound with litz wire are poor specimens,
not even good quality at the time, when ceramic formers and better were
available and widely used in the USA.
The unloaded Q of the Decca coils is pretty good at about 300 - the loaded
Q is quite low at about 5 or 6. So the loss in the tank circuits is only
about 2% or 0.1dB, not very significant. The paxolin has negligible loss at
136kHz, and cutting and drilling ceramic formers would be very hard work,
as well as making no difference. If you really feel it necessary , most of
the loss in the tank circuit is copper loss, ie. due to the RF resistance
of the litz wire; the only ways to significantly increase the unloaded Q
would be to increase the size of the coils and wire.
Using the original coils the inductance when measured in the case and out
of the case varies by several Uh and therefore difficult to resonate/align
Rewind the coils lower in frequency by a few khz than is required and use
a large copper ring in the core of the coils for precise resonance,
alternatively wind the coil higher in frequency than required and use an
appropriate ferrite core to adjust for precision alignment.
The best approach is to discard the original coils and rewind new coils on
ferrite cores ...
The tuning process does not require great precision due to the low loaded Q
- getting the frequency within a kHz or so is fine, and once it is done it
never seems to need readjustment. Fine tuning can be done with the coils
in-situ by moving the end few tuns up and down the former. It isn't easy to
find ferrite cores that would reduce the loss significantly and are big
enough not to saturate. If you do decide to use ferrite cores, the coupling
coefficient between primary and link windings will change, so it will be
necessary to optimise the turns ratios for the guard circuit to work properly.
These Jeeps are big things, about the same size as the Marconi Jeep, and a
quarter the size of the Willis Jeep. A better solution is to build your
own micro jeep, more power and a fraction of the size as the Decca.
It is certainly possible to make a smaller 1.2kW PA, which is fine for CW.
But a 2 way CW contact only requires about 25% duty cycle from the TX,
which is not very demanding. Using the PSK and FSK modes in a beacon mode
requires 100% key down operation for hours on end, after which you will
certainly appreciate the generous heatsinking of the Decca, especially if
the antenna is blowing about and going in and out of tune the whole time!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU