Hello Alex,
If Lcp=0 this means that ground wire only touch to the ground in infinity
small point. So R should be infinity large. If there is no conterpoint
Lcp is a ground rod length.
I agree about Lcp is really 0.
But if I take Lcp = 0.2m (short ground rod only), Lant= 30m , C = 150pF (Xc
= 7800 Ohm) and a = 0.01 then R = (Lant/Lcp)*a*Xc = 11700 Ohm. I believe
that this value is far too high, a more realistic value would be a few
hundred Ohm.
One more quation, Rik. Do You get formula I sent to Group for rectangular
loop inductance? I am not sure You get it...
Yes, have a look at : http://www.qsl.net/on7yd/136ant.htm#TransmitLoop
73 de RA9MB/Alex