If the 136KHz and 73KHz bands are monitored a distinct correlation
will be seen between the "on time" of what I believe to be CFH on the
two band. And the signals are usually very distinctly there or not with
no others to confuse the issue. Having said that, in the last few days
there has been what one can only describe as a man controlled reduction
in signal strength on 137KHz to be followed some two hours
later by similar increase, both step changes. I publish the "grams" daily
together with some signal strength graphs and have archives in Xcel
format going back to May last year. There are some earlier records but only
as a Spectrogram overnight image. These are available to anyone interested.
73, Brian
At 08:41 07/02/2002 -0000, you wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Sergeant LF: Re: CFH
I heard CFH yesterday afternoon at over s9 - not far off the signal I copy
it (when
it is on) at dawn. Normally when I hear it in the daytime it is much much
Are we sure we are listening to CFH, or is it a different signal from
73s Dave G3YMC
Also very strong here about midday,and definately coming from the NW/SE
rather than NE. So my bet is that it is CFH probably running higher power!
73s Laurie.G3AQC
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W