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Re: LF: DDS Frequency setting requirement

To: [email protected], "\"Mike Dennison\"" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: DDS Frequency setting requirement
From: "Larry Kayser" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 19:04:47 -0500
References: <3A87D5BC.3808.4FD5B5@localhost>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>


> .......................I suggest the time has come to make
> this a requirement for all of us experimenting on LF.
> Comments etc.
> Larry

I am sure you meant to say recommendation. As soon as we make
something a requirement, I am out of here.
Mike, G3XDV

Yes, well it took some effort to see your perspective of "requirement" but I
guess you are offering a regulatory perspective.  No I would never have even
considered or thought of government not now, not when I was a child and not
in my dotage would I have thought of requirement in that context.

My intent was to make it a "requirement" on DDS VFO replacement suppliers -
and I note Brian Rogerson has a new DDS from S&S engineering and their only
offering of a solution is to divide a higher number by 100 which is what one
gets when one doesn't make the issue a "requirement" on the DDS unit


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