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Re: LF: Re: Transatlantic

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Transatlantic
From: "Brian Rogerson" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 07:15:13 +0000
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Peter it has been like Christmas all over again.  I had carried the Decca
up the two flights of stairs on Saturday and set up the tuning and loading
yesterday morning. Also measured the antenna input resistance and it
was not quite as low as I thought but is between 60 and 70 on a very
flat peak on the noise bridge.  After lunch I carried the keying computer
up and connected it all together.  I started transmitting at about 1500utc
and almost imediately received an e-mail from Ko.  What a fine SWL he is.
There will be howls and screams today as by midnight Larry told me I was
coincident with Laurie.  I wasn't, but I was on top of Graham, XTZ so having
listened for an hour there were only two visible signals in the window and
I move up 1Hz and continued transmitting.  My signal was not on top of
Graham's transmission when I started.

So we shall see how splendid the start was.  I have a feeling that I have a
causing knack but I can't stop smiling like a Chesire cat and my wife thinks I
have finally gone mad.

73, Brian

At 00:08 12/02/01 GMT, you wrote:
Hi Brian
I would also like to join you all.  Though the vfo is stable, I checked
overnight against the existing transmissions, it has only 1Hz setting

Seen in VE; what a splendid start!


Regards, Peter, G3LDO

<[email protected]>

73 Brian     CT1DRP     IN51QD     41 09 58N  08 39 11W

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