At 14:32 9/01/01 -0000, G3AQC wrote:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the Qrss explanation,but why repeat T M or O ? Is this just to
ensure that it gets through or is O O O more readable than O ? 73s Laurie.
Hi Laurie,
There are just 3 'levels' : T (unreadable), M (not 100% readable but
sufficient for QSO) and O (100% readable). Most operators repeat the signal
3 times ro ensure that the other station gets it correct.
I understand your confusion, recently I have seen a station giving OMO as
report, probably meaning that the signal was between M and O (or he was
sponsored by a concurrent Dash, Ariel etc...). But under poor conditions
this will only lead to confusion, so it is either OOO or MMM
73, Rik ON7YD
PS : no need for spaces, so 'OOO' instead of 'O O O'