This was sent direct to me but I feel should be diseminated :
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Melia [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2000-12-16 14:41
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: BPSK beacon test
Hi Andy, your signal in ID this morning was about 589 here. By tuning my
loop to 73kHz and putting it at right angles to you and disconnecting
(136 tuned) wire, I was able to reduce to signal to a barely discernable
smudge on Spectrogram (whilst still having to cope with some band
when there was no local noise. The BPSK sync'ed and kept in synchronism
with quite a few character corruptions. Installing GRAB 16 9 gave me
perfect copy. The odd corrupted characters being audibly connected to
of local noise. Generally pages of perfect copy even at that S/N level.
was using a VE2IQ Sigma-Delta PCB and AFRICAM. The system maintained
well despite me not having tweaked the 1.8MHz rock exactly onto
(it is 140Hz high). This gives me a lot of confidence that I would have
spotted Larry if he had popped out of the noise over the last 3 weeks
I have been using this set-up. I made no adjustments to the RX at all
initial sync came within 4 chars. This system works a lot better than
soundcard set up due I think to more accurate sampling. The BitPhase
fairly constant though it does switch backwards and forwards by as much
10%. I must get a JNT version of the card built up!
I would think that signal should be copiable well into Europe.
Thanks for the test, Cheers de Alan G3NYK JO02PB
[email protected]
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