Dick and all.
Very puzzling!
I worked Jim straight after you and found exactly the opposite..... 4dB
better on the "small" antenna. We tried the test twice and I continued to
listen, each time it was the same.
Which side of the big mast was the little antenna I wonder?
73. Dave G3YXM.
To All from PA0SE
At 0955 today I worked Jim, M0BMU/P at the Puckeridge station.
On the Decca antenna his signal was exactly S8; corresponding to a field
strength of
8.6 microvolt/metre.
On the "amateur antenna" the signal was 4dB weaker.
I reported the signal exhibited a fast fluctuation in strength with a
frequency of a few hertz. But I later found out it was my signal generator
interfering with Jim's signal. even with the output turned down to zero. It
shows that even a HP606B is not perfectly screened!
73, Dick, PA0SE