9 x 9 = 81 and 81x 5 ohms = 405 Watts (after losses) delivered to the
antenna which at 15% efficiency is just about 60W radiated.
and yes, the variometer ( A litz wire professional unit) was quite warm.
As for radiation pattern / ERP / and the path loss over 697km.. I'll leave
that to the you and the group. - I look forward to seeing the data on the
thanks for the information on your estimated ERP. With the1 kW CCIR curve
for 150 kHz groundwave propagation this lies exactly on the line (or even a
little bit above the line) for 5 S/m conductivity (which at lease we here
in DL don't have, only 6 to 7 mS/m. So its obviously the skywave part that
helped to boos the signal a little bit. Your 13 W ERP of my QSO with G3WSC
yesterday also fits into this range. Only the 1 Watt ERP of your last
week's preliminary experiments seemed a little bit high.
For those of you that have no clue where to find that CCIR curve: I have
posted the 150 kHz one as additional information on my webpage, go to
"What's New" and follow the link to the information of my field strength
measurements of DCF39 that Gamal and myself took, there you will find it. I
don't know if the publication of that charts breaks any copyright rule (I
did not find any copyright remark in the CCIR document ...), but I think
this is a document that should be at least partly in public domain (if
anyone feels or has any information that it should not be published, please
let me know ...).
Best 73
Geri, DK8KW (W1KW)