From ON4DY (RX only) JO10TX 8 miles SW of
Tuesday October 26th.
cq 539 First
time heard...preamp adjustments yield results....
20:56 GW4ALG
cq 549 Working
G6NB later on.
Friday 29th.
20:09 MM0ALM
cqs 539 increasing to 579 at
21:07 MM0ALM (569) works I5MXX (549)
exchanged 569/519 rprts.
21:25 G3KEV 579 calls I5MMX, but cannot catch
his attention, despite one S-unit stronger here than MM0
Saturday 30 ieth
05:19 DK8KW (559) working SM6PXJ
07:03 PA2NJN cq QRS
CW audible 569
07:25 G3BDQ (569) working
PA0SE (589)
08:50 PA2NJN calling I5ZPV in QRS CW
Sunday 31 st
07:37 G3BDQ (579) working G3YMC (Not heard
07:44 DK8KW
cq 549
08:18 HB9ASB cq
QRS CW audible 549
08:55 tuned late on freq. and got ZPV, so guess it was
the end of a cq from I5ZPV
and prefix ?? 8ZR with clear sigs just above (
both QRS CW)
PA2NJN cq qrs cw 569
09:16 GB2CPM (579) working G3YMC
09:22 PA0BWL (549) working DK8KW
10:20 GW3XDV/P QRS CW audible 559.
Thanks to all for pleasant hours of
73, Bob ON4DY