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Re: LF: Multiple tuned vertical

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Multiple tuned vertical
From: "Rik Strobbe" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 17:31:23
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]><[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
At 10:38 24/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
If it is not asked too much I would be interested in a copy of the Multiple
Tuning Antenna too.

in the mail today   :-)

Regarding the meander-antenna : if you scale all the described antennas to
136kHz you still get 'monster-antennas'. But the fact that they manage to
increase the radiation resistance by a factor up to 20 (compared to an
simple vertical of the same height) is impressive. I would be more than
happy to get my radiation resistance up to some 100 milliohm instead of the
actual 45 millohm.

20 x would be almost 0.1 ohm, would it not?

20 times 45 millohm would be even close to 1 Ohm
It seems to me that, somewhat like drafts looking for the fountain of
eternal youth, all of us are always searching for the perfect small LF
antenna  :-)
(the price Faust paid was a little to steep for me...)
Regarding electrical antennas the magic key is 'increase the radiation
resistance'. If you cannot increase the height than you have to look for
alternatives as 'multiple-tuned' or 'meander' antennas.
But I'm afraid you won't get it for free, there will be some drawbacks. For
the 'multiple-tuned' antenna it is (at least) the many big inductors you
will need.
I intend to construct an new (low-loss) loading coil for my antenna. When
that is ready I will do some tests with a 'double-tuned' antenna with the 2
downleads about 22 meter separated, I wonder what I will gain.
Later I will give the meander-antenna a try and sure I will find out what
the drawbacks are on that one .... ..

See you in October at Winsor?
I'am afraid not, I will be visiting KH6 and W6/W0 in october.

73, Rik  ON7YD

PS : still haven't you postal address. I will be happy to send you some USD
so I do not have to feel guilty if I ask you for copies.

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