Hello Rik, and the others Thanks for the tip about compressing the file. Unfortunatly I have not enough knowledge to do this. Maybe you forgot the parts 1 and 2.... I send the list in 3 different mai
Who is transmitting what on about 137.700kHz? It's a steady carrier with ocasionally a short shift down a few Hertz. 73 Dick, pa4vhf sofar no response on my CQ calls.....
Thanks for rx report Jeff. I worked DL2HRE on DFCW and Mal, G3KEV on CW. Several times called : DK7SU, SM6BHZ and DL3NRV/p but none of them replied to my calls :-( Dick, PA4VHF
Hello all, I hope it works,.....here is a little list of stations active on 136kHz. I know it is probably not up-to-date, and there might be stations on it that are no longer QRV, or perhaps silent k
Hello all, I am glad to announce that I will activate Luxembourg on 136kHz soon! I am one of the 7 operators from the PA6Z contestgroup, activating LX the first week of October. Here are the details
Hello all, I started making a list of stations that has been worked on 136kHz in Europe. I've used some logs available on internet, screenshot lists, like from NL9222 and Wolf etc. Sofar around 150 c
Hello everybody, I tried at least three times now to send again the excel list here in the group, but for some reason I am unable to get it here....sri for that..... Strange that it did work in the p
I tested the back-up transmitter and main transmitter earlier this evening on 137.720kHz I saw DL2HRE lower in frequency, but he didn't answer my call........ Nothing else seen..... I did some TX tes
Anyone knows if it makes sence to use some long radials 100-300m long in combination with a spiral-coil toploaded vertical with 4x20m toploading wires. Or is this just wasting time and wire...... Dic
Hello all, Just worked G3XIZ #9 and PA3CPM. I saw G3XDV and DK7SU a little while before as well, but they disappeared by the time I could work them. 73 Dick, PA4VHF, JO32eh 500W into t-antenna, 7m ve
Sorry for the problems there seems to be. Everybody who send me his info for the list starting now, will receive the list by direct email, because that does seem to work. It's an Excel sheet, around
Hello everybody! Back home again from Luxembourg. Thanks to all who called me during the expedition. The following stations where worked: DK1IS DL2HRE RU6LA PA3FNY DK4U M0BMU G3XDV G3XIZ F6BWO DF6NM
I'm trying to beacon around 136.320 right now with a simple TX Have seriuos problems to keep even this simple device on the air. High wind keep antenna varying, so the current...lost already 2 FET's
Hello Hans, The last time I send "VHF" I switched to higher power . The letter "H" was transmitted at almost full power, the "V" and "F" with a bit less, but still about 3dB more than in the previous
Hello all, This afternoon I changed the topload of my antenna a bit. As a result I need about 500uH less coil in my variometer circuit. I will be on 137,720kHz QRSS/DFCW and I might do some QRSS30 te
Hello guys, thanks for the reports sofar..I am aware of the drifting.. Was running about 250W input, now TX last sequence with 400-500Watt input 73 Dick, QRT on 136.329 at around 2210utc