LF, This receiver has suddenly developed a couple of faults and I would like to know if anyone has met something similar. 1) The only modes in which it produces any audio output are straight AM and N
Agreed. Our safety officer summed the situation up very neatly: Concerning eyes, the unit of issue is two, and there are no spares. People with only one good eye were forbidden to work with lasers. T
LF, Lowe group, Tracey, Alan, Robin, That receiver is now operating correctly. Thank you very much for your help. Nothing abnormal was found inside the box, but upon checking the DC supply to the rec
Bob, (Warning: my comments are based on what I remember from the early 2000s. My copy of the UK wiring regulations is rather old. Can anyone provide more up-to-date information?) UK was 240 but is no
hi Dimitrios, Amongst other things, it depends on the geology. G3XBM has managed 5.6 km with 5 W RF at very low frequency. On 87 kHz with 4W SSB (cave radio) in limestone, the best I know of is 1.6 k
LF, Thank you all for the various tips. I have been soak testing the rig on 137700 at QRSS30. All seems OK so I intend to run on 1317x this evening. John F5VLF On 31 Oct 2011, at 14:49CET, DAVE PICK
Scott, Did you have any trouble with temperature-sensitivity of the optical filter? When doing experiments at 633 nm (He-Ne red) I had to use a narrow band filter to keep that part of the ambient lig
Hello Stefan, Thank you for the comments. Next steps here are to improve the antenna and build a bigger PA (100W?). I will try a beacon at 136.15x but it will have to be tomorrow during the day. 73 J
Antennna: inverted L. Estimated effective height 6 meters, Feed current: 410mA, Frequency: 137.000Hz from a HP3325B generator plus Class E PA delivering nominally 30W QRSS3. What would be the best fr