My beacon on 503.7kHz is back on. 04/19/34/49 minutes past the hour ~+25dBm EIRP. Callsign, power steps, full power carrier 25 - 30 seconds then PSK31 from :30s Andy
... haven't used a GOTO or GOSUB for many a year now ... Not in Basic anyway. PIC assembler is a different matter. Andy G4JNT wobbleU cubed .g4jnt.kom 2009/6/14 Alberto di Bene <[email protected]> A
NEW, on my website, is a self-contained utility that, in one go, will generate an 'include' file for PIC assemblers for generating WSPR signals from a DDS. Run GENWSPR from the command line and speci
You seem to have got it working now (22:30a) Andy G4JNT wobbleU cubed .g4jnt.kom 2009/6/30 Gary - G4WGT <[email protected]> Andy, LF, Unable to restart the 503.7kHz grabber at the moment due to us
Ask yourself why it may be advantageous to jam GPS is a war scenario, and just how GPS is likely to be used by both sides. Then consider how it may be done in a sensible manner, how to avoid excessiv
They are lmeasured in different ways. The noise measurement (black trace) is measured over the complete preceding 1 nminute period so approximates a good average. The signals, however, are measured o
The red one is my 503.7kHz beacon at the quarter hour + 4 minute intervals, using teh same Tx format as teh GB3RAL/WES/ORK beacons. Green abd blue slots are availalble for other beacons, black is teh
Yes, and its a lot more difficult to knock out GPS this way. A cruise missile carrying a small nuclear warhead on each of the two (or more ?) ground control stations perhaps :-) Andy G4JNT wobbleU cu
The Lat/Long converts to: Loc. JO00FV41 NGR TQ723122 Andy The MoD has informed Ofcom of the following GPS jamming exercise: Dates: 14th and 15th October 2009. Times: Maximum of two hour
hi Jim / group Ok. I've put it on air with some preliminary values. The WSPR signal is on 503.850kHz and its running 6db down on the 15 minute beacon at 50% duty cycle. Teh hiuh duty cycle is
Its normalised to 2500Hz banbdwidth - approximately an SSB filter's worth. So +20dB in 100Hz = -3dB in 2500Hz. Andy On 23/09/2009, Graham <[email protected]> wrote: Ju
K1JT and A1AA certainly appear to report a lot of Dx WSPR spots :-) I do wish users would eithe rset their callsign / locator properly or turn off automatic upload. Best 'real' report last night wa
Dropped to 33% DutyCycle - the fan on the PA had kicked-in and I prefer to keep things so the fan only comes on for Tx periods in hot weather. WSPR Power still -6dB Andy this email
I'm in the last stages of modifying my beacon to include a WSPR transmission that will run pseudo-simultaneously with the 15 minute regular one at 503.7kHz It has turned out to be posible to fit al
Wow - dx ! sri for thinking they were wrong C/W entries in that case :-( (oh, and Mal, I don't listen on CW, it gives me a headache) Andy this email has been scanned for political cor
From tomorrow (Monday 2009/09/07) my beacon on 503.7kHz will be off for a few days pending various odd jobs around here. Hopefully it should be back again next weekend. As we approach the winter
What has that got to do with LF ? Andy this email has been scanned for political correctness by the nanny state 2009/9/2 Graham <[email protected]> You just could not make it up !
The G4JNT Beacon on 503.700kHz is back on. Every 15 minutes at the t+4 minute epoch. I'll have to think how to include a WSPR waveform as well as the original signal type. It will almost certa