Thanks Markus. Even the peak is visible in your plot, despite the
16K21A mode.
BTW i even got a decode from my recording of IK1QFKs VLF stream,
despite i was modifying the script during that time which produced
several interruptions of the recording.
Since now i'm also recording the stream of DL4YHF. The coming message
will be a good test to see if all works well...
I'm announcing my message which will now run each night, if all works
well. The transductor circuit is not inserted so the resonance is much
more affected by rain. We'll see if it works. Now:
f =
8270.1 Hz
Start time: 21.DEC.2018 21:00:00.3 UTC (repeating each night)
Symbol period: 36 s
Characters: 3
CRC bits: 20
Coding 16K21A
Antenna current: 620 mA
Duration: 09:16:48 [hh:mm:ss]
73, Stefan