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LF: 475kHz Activity periods

To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: LF: 475kHz Activity periods
From: David Bowman <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 21:48:33 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=EZZIw0oH7wT5w7MfXNs0bCsyYuIszxhlmZnMAsSHlWI=; b=UTaQ24AYhExlE/zhkxDmYWz2ykfs3VJunWTHzDwBcSOsnZ2mWjw7KDhyz7dbfw0Iqk 3YDs0vSVxnGTLVdLtjwBQ3OurE7XRv4P6paVx8e0r67TGzYE/J10aQ+80A+92tAN6nAF o7xTtQPLw8x0i5ruyiXVekj4oBuDZ4hY5bP+f7VTv5lrtEBxI/zMPnp8lK+UpRmmx0fK s02ShyGn2nIaPvmE6aE9vwBj8uelivMDyNovjEdfvcLcHfqWOy1EbJKSQIBUxDBW1dxx Day0fOfw6XyfC52I69UpHz5o+i+WyXvSgUgHEAf1Ij9T0IYjUa3apuxh0tp4oY4vxbDu 2MSA==
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi all.
Can I say thanks to everyone who has participated in the 'activity periods' each night from 20:30 UTC.
My remote site has been running for a week now and each evening there have been new stations active mid evening.

This evening I managed JT9 QSOs with DL6TY,  IZ3QQG and DL1HWK
Also seen on the band tonight were ON5TA and  IK1HGI (beacon?).
Unfortunately I was unable to decode a strong FT8 signal with the updated V2.00 wsjt-x software.
Catch of the week however was a QSO with Eric NO3M on 16th during a brief peak in propagation.

Fed up calling CQ and getting no reply.........try 20:30 UTC.  You will have better luck.


David  G0MRF

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