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Re: LF: SlowJT9: 1st QSO and 2nd bug found

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: LF: SlowJT9: 1st QSO and 2nd bug found
From: Rik Strobbe <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 19:01:41 +0000
Accept-language: nl-BE, en-GB, en-US
In-reply-to: <>
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Thread-index: AQHUeQukLGEK2DvfMkGBgLnEnJ0c1aVJNZsL///3tACAABcUAIAAF78V
Thread-topic: LF: SlowJT9: 1st QSO and 2nd bug found
The past month there is JT9 and FT8 activity almost every day on 630 m, but 
most of the time the same 4 ot 5 stations.
But having a look at John's (KB5NJD) daily reports 
( and there seem to be much more activity in the States  (including 
Hawaii and Alaska) and Canada.

73, Rik  ON7YD

Van: <> 
namens N1BUG <>
Verzonden: zaterdag 10 november 2018 19:31
Onderwerp: Re: LF: SlowJT9: 1st QSO and 2nd bug found

Hi Stefan, Rik, LF

On 11/10/18 12:09 PM, DK7FC wrote:
> I expect that any QSO mode (except CW!) will only rise activity for a
> short period, like a weekend, for maybe 2 or 3 time per season. Isn't
> that what we all observe since the last 10 years?

On LF or MF? In North America there is JT9 activity every night on
MF. There has been some on LF and time to time even some station
calling CQ but we do not have enough active stations to sustain
regular activity yet.

Last winter I wanted to QSO a few more stations but I could just
hear them on WSPR, not enough signal for CW or JT9-1. Most are not
interested in DFCW or QRSS QSOs it seems. I hope SlowJT9 will be
appealing and allow more LF QSOs. We will see.

Paul N1BUG

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