Hi Stefan,
I agree about a top 10 or top 20.
But to avoid "endless" lists I tend to keep the distance record list as it is (only the best distance) and have seperate top 10/20 lists, linked from the record list.
I just added the link for Europe, if this is OK I will add it for worldwide and the other continents as well.
What do you (and the others) think about that?
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Hello Rik,
I would vote for a TOP10 or even TOP20 list. It is always interesting to see what was achieved, no need to keep the list as compact as possible.
The best distance made from EU (and the world) was certainly F6CNI to VK1DSK, see
73, Stefan
Am 04.06.2018 22:54, schrieb Rik Strobbe:
Hello Stefan,
the idea is to list the best DX for the different modes (CW, QRSS/DFCW, digi), worldwide and for each continent. Similar to what exists for VHF and UHF bands (eg https://pk-ukf.org.pl/dxrec.html ).
Instead of just the best DX I can eventually list a top 3 or top 5.
It's up to what the 472 kHz community wants.
About WSPR: my first thought was to cinsider these as SWL reports (honoring the RX station), but maybe I should add the best TX station as well (for the continental records).
For FR5DX I already have a WSPR copy of G3KEV at 9915km, that is probably the WSPR RX record for Africa and maybe the TX record for Europe (although it might be possible that EU stations were copied in NA at distances > 10000km).
The KB5NDJ website is a great source of information, but unfortunately I don't have enough tiime to dig for record there.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T