Hi Stefan …. VLF ? ;-)
I should have suspected you were “dancing” behid the scenes
It reminds me of a football match between young boys, when choosing the players for each team, hi hi
Anyway it is very interesting to have Pascal active and progressing with new bands and modes (closer and closer to DC
of course)
There is a lot to experiment and test in this bands. Really fascinating radio
Or maybe …….. Pascal, you are not interested in FT8, don’t you ?? ;-)
73 de Luis
Hi Luis,
I have to laugh. Pascal is now quite in trouble, his RX site is highly requested on all really low bands. Just 2 days ago i started to ask him if he is interested to build up something for VLF. Maybe this triggered his idea to try LF first?
He did already download SpecLab and even vlfrx-tools. I will advise how to build up the software and settings... There is much work to do it seems :-)
I agree with Alex, that path is not really easy on LF in this time of the year. But i remember the time where RN3AUS has been in UGANDA, see
http://rn3aus.narod.ru/uganda/index.html. Uganda is on the way at least...
But on 17 kHz maybe? Or even 8.27 kHz ? That's my challenge...
73, Stefan
Am 22.05.2018 13:52, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:
Hi Pascal
DFCW is just slow CW like QRSS. But the length of dot and dashes is the same. DF states for dual frequency
So dots and dashes appear in a spectrogram slightly shifted in frequency. It is a slow mode to be read in a spectrogram
No software needed to decode that, just can ve viewed in a slow spectrogram
May be you would like to share your spectrograms in real time. If you are interested in setup a grabber
I can help you. We can exchange the details in private mail if you want
73 de Luis
Hello Alex, Luis, LF,
Thanks for your answer,
I do not have software for DFCW with Linux Debian on my PC. Just wsjtx actually.
I'll be back on wspr MF tonight.
Pascal (FR5DH)