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RE: LF: Rx wspr 136khz tonight

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: LF: Rx wspr 136khz tonight
From: VIGILANT Luis Fernández <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 11:52:17 +0000
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Thread-topic: LF: Rx wspr 136khz tonight

Hi Pascal


DFCW is just slow CW like QRSS. But the length of dot and dashes is the same. DF states for dual frequency

So dots and dashes appear in a spectrogram slightly shifted in frequency. It is a slow mode to be read in a spectrogram

No software needed to decode that, just can ve viewed in a slow spectrogram


May be you would like to share your spectrograms in real time. If you are interested in setup a grabber

I can help you. We can exchange the details in private mail if you want


73 de Luis


De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Pascal Deveaux
Enviado el: martes, 22 de mayo de 2018 12:50
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Re: LF: Rx wspr 136khz tonight


Hello Alex, Luis, LF,

Thanks for your answer,
I do not have software for DFCW with Linux Debian on my PC. Just wsjtx actually.

I'll be back on wspr MF tonight.
Pascal (FR5DH)

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