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Re: LF: A notable lack of LF WSPR transmissions recently

To: N1BUG <>
Subject: Re: LF: A notable lack of LF WSPR transmissions recently
From: Chris Wilson <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:32:24 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=date:from:message-id:to:cc:subject:in-reply-to:references :mime-version:content-transfer-encoding; bh=f5OSRxYxusjuFNtDzLXSoDDNPJvNTIsTi3Re6I8Qw0g=; b=XYGlYu4RgsLeiykL6ihdspwyNTvwrhk9PSjgQGAxioecKerfK0O4Iy7wnLmWYmwdGz 7PR03OVKFWTg3PZvqqUuA4tFNnq2D/NuCnLdFwzNL9Qjfn5eMo8n71TjKA96J3AUyjwz 4fNOvNdBKnQkE6vXKAmnX1YIKylZbbxvlvhvj1N5I6xwObbA7Eaig3taqj5ns7QncdxV 7wHtQdCCNorJAucDCuYpQR3NdOkTFj8cg604aiZ9S5RtTn2JWG81OWEtVZuRZWis30vJ dQOksijxYYhCbHiLTZIFm1E3SdDGmZxpnuRl+8ZJbLZWxTSFkKrRRWvUlrOOvnKKMvzx xRYQ==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <> <> <>
Hello N1BUG,

Me: "Oooh, look, Paul's heard me again, that's 3 times last night"

`Er  indoors: "I'll send him a percentage of the electric bill on an invoice 
then, what's his address....?"


I just remind her what my motor racing activities cost, and that this
is a MUCH cheaper hobby for my latter years. I could hide the
motorsport bills quite effectively amongst work stuff, the electric
bill is a bit more difficult...

Monday, March 19, 2018, 3:21:20 PM, you wrote:

> LOL !!  I can understand that. Even with my much lower powered
> transmitter I am watching the kilowatt hours add up and making
> "adjustments" elsewhere in the household. WSPR-15 is a bugger on
> power usage. :) The expense of putting up a big antenna might pay
> for itself soon enough, as I need less TX power to make the EIRP. ;-)

> 73,
> Paul N1BUG

Best regards,

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