HI Laurence
Nice to hear from you. Hopefully we can QSO on MF soon. I have worked KL7
on CW on 160 metres in the past also VE7 so it is possible given good
propagation to do the same on 630m
73 es gl de mal/g3kev
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2018 8:11 AM
Subject: LF: Re: [rsgb_lf_group] NO3M QSO MF/630
was great going Mal and all - we managed a transcontinental JT9 at 08z
with NO3M too - so some great conditions - and very slow qsb
KL7L (still not a lot of transpolar yet from here to Eu)
From: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org
<owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org> on behalf of Rik Strobbe
<rik.strobbe@kuleuven.be> Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2018
10:47 PM To: rsgb; rsgb_lf_group@yahoogroups.co.uk Subject:
LF: Re: [rsgb_lf_group] NO3M QSO MF/630
Hello Mal,
congrats on both QSO's.
I got one copy by AA1A around 23 UTC, but had to go QRT at midnight UTC (not
retired yet, I had to get out of bed at 05:30 UTC).
Tomorrow I have a day off, so if condx are as good the coming night I will
certainly give it a try.
My (estimated) ERP is about 700mW, so rather QRP.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Van: rsgb_lf_group@yahoogroups.co.uk
<rsgb_lf_group@yahoogroups.co.uk> namens g3kevmal@talktalk.net
[rsgb_lf_group] <rsgb_lf_group@yahoogroups.co.uk> Verzonden:
donderdag 8 februari 2018 2:40 Aan: rsgb;
rsgb_lf_group@yahoogroups.co.uk Onderwerp: [rsgb_lf_group] NO3M QSO
Tnx NO3M FOR QSO AT 0131 UTC 08 FEB 2018
ON MF/630M
Posted by: <g3kevmal@talktalk.net>