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Re: LF: VLF6 (audio stream) temporarily off

Subject: Re: LF: VLF6 (audio stream) temporarily off
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 14:27:42 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=2017; t=1517059664; bh=coW6lZg4OIZcbXPaCGHbWLGx+fRG2ldvUCGnLi480dY=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=UzAa1m+hC86IPVfhQmEnaMXd2SPXabW7R75hf1yz4Rf89Tge0BdhGa/qij8rdv99s NOnFYIx59XnTdd07vM0jJfH7JQvKCaa6KDgOb3W+GerqAM+B4GXDITQd2A/GP1J4do oBHOc2aLzKTwS40BrvB28HjZ0AwoyhV0ru7AaQRt8bsafOy1CD8hY/Cmykwr+wzYm9 VkDLV3hfps29k+Kor+pzytqLSnsBTd1HZua1fVOCUenwrTUkJE8xkJx6hcasUWMWTg J4ALkc0yijZJbX/efOMo4hiWRpvdwP7u/nGTfNGmARlNYHF0gVrjtTofpXtIFvyAgE +9yDV8RvKWSRw==
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Hello Wolf,

Thanks for keeping your system available. It is one of the few available VLF RX stations that provide a stream, very important, together with Pauls work to make use of it. I want to provide a stream as well in some time. I already ordered a 2nd octo soundcard for the Raspi, so i can provide the 3-axis stream some day.
Am 27.01.2018 10:36, schrieb Wolfgang Büscher:
In the meantime, one of my last J310's has been salvaged from a 70 cm RX preamp, and installed in VLF6.
The right priority, that's fine!!
Hope it will pick up something below 1 kHz from you one fine day ;-)
Not even one wavelength between us :-)
I wanted to improve the setup yesterday evening but it was only raining :-((
Today the city it overcast and foggy but the tree came back! It is 300 m higher than the city. So it seems the sun is shing up there. Fascinating!!
24 mA so far on 970 Hz. Today i want to improve it so i can run 36 mA 
(12 kV). That will be enough for the 40 km distance i hope...
73, Stefan

  Wolf .

On 23.01.2018 13:45, DK7FC wrote:

They have been quite cheap ( ~ 0.6 EUR) just a few (< 5) years ago. Now they are not available any more. Looks like it is good to invest in such parts before they are not availble any more.
On the other side, the SMD parts can be used as well, just a bit more 
effort. Like the BF862,
73, Stefan

Am 22.01.2018 18:08, schrieb Wolfgang Büscher:
Greetings all,

Storm "Friederike" has taken her toll - the enclosure of my VLF6 had a small crack, so water slowly crept in, which slowly killed the high impedance input. It's in for repair now. Hope the FETs survived - I'm slowly running out of stock of these ancient J310 devices.
Hope to be back soon.
  Wolf DL4YHF .

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