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Re: R: Re: LF: RE: Combining LF amps revisited

Subject: Re: R: Re: LF: RE: Combining LF amps revisited
From: Chris Wilson <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 16:29:29 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=from:date:message-id:to:subject:in-reply-to:references:mime-version :content-transfer-encoding; bh=Y87wSX2QBauVc7/IzCgm4npcLcmeQC5rtv8VCpoN/OA=; b=aII9QbnnVTZRtu4bdeQtwGckFwXr6NdgQYDq8qGvSx+x9ZEOwrQP2fiipzxQcVL/ld EtTw+dNJGeRM/TMrG68mJhIg3zGTfBSZEzreCQ4v74DoMJZAnGqHUr7jO6D4qdaSeFYO gn+P6vIeVD2xFUTkYXDiBtqMd9IOHCKGi/UX5aW7xGbpEy7r/iD6jd2aTASVDuohl/mP 5Qg73+YEbCPhr5gXNb6mZrF3+mVEeb3cvBYxCS12czrgMeQDZMZVOnnvQdLRJB2ryoiZ zwGhKmZALzNLymu7fT9zalP6mg+FqMdAjbe/1QC5O0JM8sOERcVfouvUUoB3E4/Otshc daow==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>

Hello Marco,
16 May 2017

Good  to  hear  from  you,  thanks  for  the  reply. I have remade the
combiner's  output  transformer using 3 stacked 78 material toroids of
the same size, and wound it with 180 strand speaker wire, pure copper,
with  an inner conductor of about 2mm diamter. I wound 3 times as many
turns, 15 on the primary, 21 turns on the secondary. It now runs about
40 degrees Celcius with no fan cooling, and the drain wave forms are a
lot  less  spiky.  I  saw  fair-Rite  now list a 98 compound, and it's
advertised  as  a  big  improvement  for  the  frequency  than  the 78
material,  but  there's  an error on their web site and 98 compound is
not available in toroidal form, unfortunately. I did see this beast in
78  compound  though, a lot bigger than the FT-240 cores, and wondered
if the fairly high cost is worth it?

Thanks again!

> Chris,

> I guess there is a little misstyping in the calculation performed from
> Clemens on the DJ5IL tool....
> he entered 2.5 instead of 25 in the impedance box: the primary 
> winding after the combiner should work on 25 ohms. If you enter 25 ohm
> the flux rise a lot beyond the saturation of the 3 stacked cores and 
> therefore they have all the rights to warmup!
> On the other hand if you apply the Bmax formula given from Andy, the 3
> stacked cores have A of 471mm²
> and with 2kW of power on 25 ohms the minimum number of turns on the 
> primary should be 8 not 5.
> So one more turn to keep B below 0,1T and you should run more 
> confortable with N1/N2=9/13
> 73 de Marco, IK1HSS

Best regards,

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